You can download the general programme of the Conference by clicking HERE

(Puede descargarse el programa general del Congreso haciendo click AQUÍ)


You can download the programme of the Technical Sessions by clicking HERE

(Puede descargarse el programa de las Sesiones Técnicas haciendo click AQUÍ)


The Conference will include keynote lectures, traditional oral presentations (English or Spanish) and a guided visit to the Zarzuela racecourse and the Eduardo Torroja Museum.
The final Program will be carried out based on the number and specific topics of the communications presented.



Oral Presentation

The oral presentations will have a maximum duration of 10 minutes
The language will be English or Spanish



Keynote Lectures

It´s a special honour to count with the participation of some outstanding engineers, architects, concrete researches and university professors.
The speakers who have confirmed their participation in the Conference are; the engineers Hugo Corres, Tullia Iori, Javier Manterola and Mike Schlaich, the architects Eduardo Souto de Moura, Franceso Dal Co and Roberto Gargiani, and the chemical specialist in concrete Mari Carmen Andrade. (Click on the following image to see the CVs).




Guided Visit – Speakers

The architect Jeronimo Junquera will be the speaker who will guide the visit to the Zarzuela Racecourse. He has restored this iconic thin concrete shell structure built by Eduardo Torroja. The architect Pepa Cassinello will be the speaker who will guide the visit to de Eduardo Torroja Museum. She is the director of the Fundación Eduardo Torroja and the curator of the Museum.




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Fundación Eduardo Torroja  −  C/ Almagro nº42, 28010 Madrid    −   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     Privacy Policy     Translated by Margaret Clark

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