The Fundación EDUARDO TORROJA, founded on 30 March 2004, is registered in the Ministry of Education and Science’s Foundations Registry (Order ECI/3143/2004 of 3 September).
Its founders were:
- Chartered
- Agrupación de Fabricantes de Cemento de España (OFICEMEN)
- Confederación Nacional de
- Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Hormigón Preparado (ANEFHOP)
- Spanish Council of Chartered Institutes of Architects
- Asociación de Miembros del Instituto Eduardo Torroja (AMIET)
- Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Membership on its initial Board of Trustees included the founding organisations and their representatives, as follows: Chairman: Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo Bustelo; members: Chartered Institute of Civil Engineers, represented by Juan Miguel Villar Mir; Agrupación de Fabricantes de Cemento de España – OFICEMEN, represented by Rafael Fernández Sánchez; Confederación Nacional de la Construcción (CNC), represented by Juan Francisco Lazcano Acedo; Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Hormigón Preparado (ANEFHOP), represented by Francisco Javier Martínez de Eulate y Renuncio; Spanish Council of Chartered Institutes of Architects, represented by Carlos Hernández Pezzi; Asociación de Miembros del Instituto Eduardo Torroja, AMIET, represented by José Antonio Torroja Cavanillas; and the Spanish National Research Council, represented by Emilio Lora-Tamayo D’ocón; non-trustee secretary, Antonio Sáenz de Miera López.
In addition to the seven founding organisations, the Director of the Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Science, a Spanish National Research Council body, presently sits on the Fundación EDUARDO TORROJA’s Board of Trustees, in his personal capacity.
Current Trustees:
- Chartered Institute of Civil Engineers
D. Juan Antonio Santamera Sánchez
- Agrupación de Fabricantes de Cemento de España (OFICEMEN)
D. Aniceto Zaragoza
- Confederación Nacional de la Construcción (CNC)
D. Juan Francisco Lazcano Acedo
- Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Hormigón Preparado (ANEFHOP)
- Spanish Council of Chartered Institutes of Architects (CSCAE)
D. Jordi Ludevid I Anglada
-Asociación de Miembros del Instituto Eduardo Torroja (AMIET)
D. José Antonio Torroja Cavanillas
- Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
D. Emilio Lora-Tamayo D´ocón
- Director of the Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Science (IETcc)
D. Ángel Arteaga Iriarte
Executive Committee:
Chairman José Antonio Torroja Cavanillas; Secretary: Rafael Fernández Sánchez; Treasurer: Aniceto Zaragoza; First Vice-Chairman: Jordi Ludevid I Anglada; Second Vice-Chairman: Juan Antonio Santamera Sánchez; Managing Director:
Manager’s aide: Isabel Alonso de Armas