Writings about Eduardo Torroja



The Fundación EDUARDO TORROJA is proud to serve as a platform for compiling and disseminating Eduardo Torroja’s legacy. Its website will consequently carry information on writings published nationally and internationally on this subject.


Address for submitting published writings or the respective references:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." style="color: #009aca;">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


References on Eduardo Torroja and his scientific and technical legacy.




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eduardotorroja 📌Feliz viernes!😀Ya puedes preinscribirte en el Concurso Internacional de Ideas para el diseño de cartel del 90 aniv… https://t.co/fw0UXWZ8ro
eduardotorroja RT @FJTurriano: #JuevesDeArquitectura Tribuna del @HipodromoMadrid Arquitectos: Arniches y Domínguez. Ingeniero: Torroja En: Hormigón y ac…
eduardotorroja RT @FJTurriano: #JuevesDeArquitectura Proyecto de mercado en Guinea. Arquitecto Blanco Soler, ingeniero Eduardo Torroja. En: Cubiertas lami…

Fundación Eduardo Torroja  −  C/ Almagro nº42, 28010 Madrid    −   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     Privacy Policy     Translated by Margaret Clark

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